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User:Nateji77/Empire of Japan (additional economic and financial data)

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This page supplements Empire of Japan (economic and financial data).

Population in the Empire of Japan (1925-1940)


In 1925 the total population of Japan was 59,737,000; with Karafuto, Chosen and Formosa this came to 83,458,000 subjects.

According to one source the total divided up as:

  • Hokkaido: 2,498,679 or 2,500,000
  • Honshu: 44,981,602
  • Shikoku: 3,173,966
  • Kyushu: 8,524,953
  • Ryukyu Islands (Okinawa): 557,622
  • Japan Proper (main islands and Okinawa): 59,736,622
  • Karafuto: 203,754 or 65,000
  • Chosen: 19,522,945,19,523,000 or 25,000,000
  • Taiwan (Formosa): 3,994,884 or 3,183,000
  • Kwantung: 1,054,074 or 91,000
  • South Mandate: 56,294 or 56,500
  • Japanese Empire, total (except arrend land/South Mandate): 83,458,405
  • In 1926 in Kwantung there were 91,000 Japanese and 660,000 Chinese. in Manchukuo lived 200,000 Japanese.
  • In 1934 the Kwantung and South Manchurian Railway zone had 1,408,755 habitants; of those 309,029 were Japanese, and 2,185 other nationalities.

For the 1935 census for the whole Japanese empire, the figures are:

  • Japan proper: 69,254,148 residents

In exterior provinces:

  • Chosen: 22,899,038
  • Taiwan: 5,212,426
  • Karafuto: 331,943
  • Kwantung: 1,656,726
  • South Mandate: 102,537

Total for Japanese Empire: 97,697,555 inhabitants.

In 1940 the Japanese population rose to 73,114,380.

The figures for major cities are:

The population in the exterior provinces in 1938 was:

  • Chosen: 24,327,326 or 23,000,000
  • Formosa: 5,746,959 or 5,212,426
  • Karafuto: 339,357 or 295,000
  • South Manchuria Railway zone/Kwantung/South Mandate: 1,339,123; or 1,255,570 in Kwantung and 121,128 in South Mandate during 1938

producing a total in 1940 of 105,226,101.

The population density in 1938 was 939 per square mile, for the whole empire, and 490 for Japan proper; Japan had 3,116 peasants for each farmed square mile. see also Aditionally information over Population,residents for surface in country and relationed

Birth rates for the Japanese population


Here are some figures and dates:

  • In 1914, the Japanese birth rate stay in ones 15%, certain near to Germany or Russia, slightly than Java (Dutch Indies) at 22%. There was a reduction to 13,6% in 1924. For example in Japan Proper there were 157 inhabitants per km2, and Hokkaido had 184 residents in per km2 (cf. Java, which had 274).
  • In 1925 the population growning are ones 875,000 per year, in 1926 are ones 900,000,in 1927 this number ampled to 1,000,000.in nexts last four years the anual augment in population are for promedia of 900,000,but in 1932-40 thes net growning more to 1,000,000,000 per year,why if continuing in present form,the population have to duplicated these cypher in 40 years.between your imports Japan buying one 10% of foods for these population.
  • In 1936 having in Japan ones 30,3 births per each 1,000 residents, the defuctions are ones 17,5. The augment net in population are 1,028,623 in 1935, but having one notably reduction at 653,000 in 1939 and ones 239,000 in 1940. Between the great countries the birth promedia of Japan inmediatelly following to British India (34,9) and are double that of the United States (16,7). these augment having followed to ampled in Rice production, between 1880-1940 of 60 millions of koku (1 Koku is equal to 4.96 bushels), obtain for each cho(2.45 acres), for represent one augment in yields of rice production.
  • Japanese thinkers were preoccupied with demographics: for augment of rate of defuctions and reduction of births in ones 13% and comparing this with growing in China and Soviet Union. for allArmy Ideologyst thinked in question and produced one eugenics Law why ordered the sterilization or abort at inferior or inadequate babies and ordered the augment of birth physically "perfect" future Samurai warriors. The Japanese government gave economical support to all mothers having many children. These experts planned a ten-year program to augment the soldiers numbers until cypher of 100,000,000. If needed for conquest purposes why Japanese mothers "manufactured" ones three millions of babies or in other words one number six times major why regulary cypher for all in law above mentioned are ordered these "production" at all Japanese women.

These programs were guided by Katsuko Tojo, General Tojo's wife. She sayed why take ones seven children and suggested this should be Correct Japanese mother, inclusive the central government for she suggest, making one program for ampled the number of marriages.



Japanese farming:

the japanese surface in farm activities in 1937 are of 14,940,000 acres (60,460 km²), why representones 15,8% of total japanese surface and have comparing with 10,615,000 acres (42,957 km²) or 40% in Ohio(USA), or 12,881,000 acres (52,128 km²) or 21% in England. the proportion of farming soil having possess lowest augment, raised of 11,8% in 1887 to 13,7% in 1902, at 14,4 % of 1912to 15,7% in 1919. these cyphers descend in one 15,4% in 1929, for apparently having t real top. the regular farmer houses ascended to 5,374,897 for all the surface cultivated stay in ones 2.67 acres (11,000 m²) per family, in comparison with any american farmer family with 155 acres (627,000 m²). these tall augmented in Hokkaido and Karafuto or reduced for 2 acres (8,000 m²) in southwest area. not only having little any farms in all areas without why 70% of theirs stay more lowest of these tall or inclusive one 34% stay inferior at 11/4 acres too. the principal grain if rice, from extreme south to cuasy north area, this grain first are farm in anegued soils. the intense cultive, fertilizers and scientific development, having permit to raised the rendiment to 43 bushels for acre (374 m³/km²) in 1936.

see also: Comments of Japanese farmings

  • Japanese farming in North areas (North Honshu, Hokkaido, Karafuto and certain Chisima islands)

Chisima islands


In Shumushu, Paramushiro, Matsuwa, Shimushiro, Uruppu, Shirihoi, Etorofu, Kunashiriand Shikotan islands, for your certain land extension, possess certain possibilities for little farming and harvest of Fox furs and reindeers for meat, some of these islands used how whale stations and possess lakes and rivers adequate for fishing in land too.



Its soils are "podzolics". This combined with a severe and harsh climate made cultivation difficult, but with certain possibilities. The farming and harvest stay more low developed, in Suzuya South Plain, contain land susceptible to farming for produced potatoes, oats, rye, forage, and vegetables. but only 7% of Karafuto if arable land(2% only in South) and more less 1/4 of population dedicated to agriculture the harvest if relative important for horses and cows. in 1937 having 10,811 families, of theirs ones 623 recent arriving. in 1932 the new peasants are 1341. The land in cultive if suppose unically 86,175 acres (349 km²), but specialist thinked why exist more additional land for this purpose. The most adequate farmers proceeded from Hokkaido and North Honshu, where each settler was given one land portion of 12.5 to 25 acres (50,000 to 100,000 m²) and one Russian-style house. the farming experiments realizing with Rice possess partially sucess. other government research mentioned why exist ones 4,300 km² and in 1926 having establish 8,755 families why cultivated 179.9 km².



in this island are cultivated Rice, why occupied the 25% or less, oats why are farming same area, potatoes vegetables, rye and wheat. in other area the rice convert in principal cultive, in 60% of territory and exist certain harvest of horse(200,000 or 250,000 horses) and Cows(12,000 or 35,000 cows), respect at horses apart of regular farming horses in land are harvest for Japanese Army forces. the Hokkaido farms possess one media of 48,000 square metres of tall, more of fourth times why the extension of others in Japan. the rice farming expansion having possibly for one profound research for obtain one adequate variety for these climate, but the land disposable(14%) aren't adequate to farm purpossess for rice and rendiments are low. in island cultivated the apple, potatoes, cherries, etc. exist one special cultive of Mint in land. other cyphers mentioned why the farms possess 11 acres (45,000 m²) and stay isolated one each other. the farmers number are ones 2,000,000and the government mentioned the possibility for establish others 1,000,000 additionally too.

North Honshu


The farms were of a size of of 3.5 to 4 acres (14,000 to 16,000 m²), for rice, potatoes, mice, and rye. if produced the 3/4 parts of apples of japan, more richest why at south, other product are cherries and harvest of horses are more extend.

  • Japanese farming in central areas (Central-South Honshu, Kyushu, Shikoku, Chosen,Kwantung Leased Territoire,South Manchurian Railway Zone and Manchukuo)

Central-South Honshu


in are cultivated Rice and why special products how White mulberry (for grown of Silk worm)in Suwa, tea, (in Shizuoka), Daikon(spice rabanus)in Nagoya, and others rye, mice, grape for regular national wine, etc. one traditional farming place in this are Kinki district. in were stay Biwa Lake (one special place), and Japan, interior and Pacific seas is stay more nearest with Osaka, NagoyaNara and Kioto how principal cities and your ports in Turuga (Japan sea), Yokkaiti (pacific sea), Wakayama, Kobe and Osaka (interior sea).



if one traditional place for rice and sweet potato cultive, for your subtropical conditions, other crops are Sugar Cane, Banana, tropical orange, lemon, tobacco, taro, beans. additionally in high lands if harvest some horses too. these place possess more cultural relations with South Seas and China, and are one of more ancient centres of Japanese Origins and Culture. this if origin to Satsuma clan culture, based in sea contacts with south area.



in island with Subtropical conditions similarly at Kyushu if farming Palm (of various types included coconuts), Camphor (in plantations), Wax-Tree, sweet potato, taro, and over all much rice. other products obtained in highlands are Rye, Mice, sarracin wheat, White Moral (for grown silk worm) and forage for horses and cows.



Korean farming is similar to Chinese farming for its intense human work, but the Koreans had little capital for machinery or fertilizers. Much of its products are similar to Japanese and Chinese farming. Each local peasant family possessed 3.6 acres (15,000 m²) for making your labours and the great private or government Japanese farming companies having growning, theirs absorbed these little lands. In the country are cultivated rice (for export to Japan), maize, oats, soy beans, wheat, sorghum, Kaoliang, potatoes, sweet potato, much vegetables how cauliflower, turnips, Daikon, Corn, cotton, white mulberry (for cultivation of silkworms), pears, apples, orange, lemons; and raise cattle, horses and many pigs.

Farming topics were managed by the Farming State Empress "East Foment Company" from Keijo (Seoul). This center dictated all farming and harvest official measures in all provinces. Another crop was bamboo.

Kwantung Leased Territoire and South Manchurian Railway Zone


The farming are very similar to Manchukuo and Chosen.in these are developed the Soybean for industrial use and export to foreing markets, and White mulberry for grown for Worm silk harvest,others cutlivations are Wheat,Rye,Kaoliang,some Rice,Cotton,Maize,etc. exist some harvest of cows and horses,but these lasts are for transportation.in kwantung how chosen are developed the Fishing industry in Liaotung Gulf for local comsumption and sended to Proper japan.

Manchukuo(Japanese and Manchu farmings)


this Territoire,are more fertile in Central Manchu Plain.in these lands are cultivated Wheat,Corn,Maize,Rice,Kaoliang,Soybean(for industrial and export),Rye,Oats,Barley,etc.others important farmings are Tobbaco,Hemp,Sesame,Apples,Pears,Nuts,etc.exist more mills and granaires for developed the grain cultivation idustry and also used to making beers and liquours,paints,oils,etc.

how one basically farming country how are these nation,appart of these industrial farm developed exist the local peasant cultivation for familiar groups or village comunity,additional are developed the some harvest how Cows,Sheeps,Horses,Bactrian Camels(exclusivelly to Tsingan province and other Mongol majority areas in country) and Dogs(for winter transportation and other uses in Kirin and Heilungkiang) Manchukuo poses local fishing industry in lakes(Khanka and others), rivers and seas (Liaotung Gulf)

For more detailed information see: Manchukuo and Mengchiang (agriculture, farming, lumber and fishing)

  • Japanese farming in South areas(Ryu-Kyu islands, Taiwan, South Pacific Mandate, Japanese colony in Philippines in previous times of Pacific war)



if other tropical islands adequate for farming rice, sweet potatoes, sugar cane, Paw Paw coconuts, taro, etc.

Taiwan (Formosa)


the farming are chinese style, with rice cultivation, sweet potato, etc. The most developed farming are sugar cane, specially in nort and south area, why represent one sending of crude sugar of 42% to Japan. other characteristic product are Oolong tea, Bananas, Pineapple, etc. At same time if collect much Camphor in forest or plantations for obtain these product or sended crude to japan, and jute and ramium (for obtain fibres for cords) and others. the consumption of sugar in japan augment in 15 lb (7 kg), in 1918 to 30 lb (14 kg) in 1928, much of this province. the cultived land are 2,116,174 acres (8,564 km²) with one proportion of peasants in cultivated surface of 1,576 habitants for sq mile in 1937. Cherries and Strawberries are farming in high lands. the japanese government for administered the founds and developed all Camphor production organized the "Formosa Manufacturing Company" from 1899.

South Pacific Mandate


in province for your equatorial tropical conditions if farming coconuts, taro, sweet potato, tapioca, banana, pineapple and rice, for local use or export. similarly at formosa the sugar cane industry are pushed for obtain more production for sendings to Japan and foreign exports. the principal sugar cane centres stay in Saipan and Palau islands.



previous at Pacific war, in Davao at South of Mindanao island, exist one very little Japanese settlement, why dedicated joining at Japanese private companies founds to Cultivated Abaca or Manila Hemp for obtain fibers for cords. this if principal center of these cultivation in area and theirs farming sugar cane, pineapple, bananas, sweet potato and other tropical cutives. the Abaca farming in surface but no in value this exeded to sugar cane cultivation and one 25% are send to USA. other natural fibre farming if the Philippine Sisal for sended to same market and Japan too.

Land transport


The compact constitution of Japan had eased the development of transports for land or sea. The unfavourable topography spoke against a railway systems but many coastal ports permit intense cabotage navigation. For this the heavy mercancies if trasladed for sea and railways obtain more foundswith passengers why the charge. Japan during the seventh century had linked all towns with a basic system of Imperial roads, which long stayed in use. These roads linked cities with sacred sites, and were used by regular citizens and imperial civil servants. The most famous of these was the "Tokaido Way", from Kyoto, the feudal capital, to Yedo (now Tokyo) 300 miles (500 km) away. Other similar roads led from Kyoto to the west tip of Honshu, and to the North. These wer simples tourist route, surrounded by pine trees, not suitable for automotive transit.

The contemporary road systems of the Empire were few. Of one total of 1 million km, only the 90° part stay out of urban area or are strait or poverty affirm. Cars and imported fuel were expensive for the ordinary Japanese citizen, so buses were popular. Motor transport had a low penetration, given the mountainous land and the difficulty of constructing and maintaining roads. In 1923 there were 100,000 automobiles in country (2/3 cars, 1/3 trucks). The majority of these cars were taxis; private cars were few.

The railway system was 75% Government-owned, was more dense, and reached most areas. Inside of Japan proper the system was 13,581 miles long in 1938. This carried more than 1000 million passengers per year, but the voyage media re 15,4 miles, the gauge of current way is 3 feet 6 inch (1067 mm), in contrast with 4 feet & 8 1/2 inches (1435 mm). For this the speed was reduced, and 2% of lines is electrified, principally in nearest of Tokio and Osaka where frequently of trains arriving to ports of Yokohama and Kobe in middle hour. In other zones these trains interurbans electric are most popular. The express trains between Tokio and Aomoriin north extreme required 13 hours for recover 457 miles. from tokio to Shimonosekiin South extreme having one distance of 1,100 km why recover in 130 km. both extreme stations Aomori and Shimonoseki are terminals for enlazed Honshuwith Hokkaido, Hakodate, and Fusan in Chosen too respectively. The first line continued since Fusan in south, for Seoul to continuing for Manchukuo for enlazed the terminal in Manchouli why connect with Chita in Soviet Far East. the other line borned from Seoul to Rashin for continuing to Manchukuo or Vladivostok. the Hakodate terminal continuing for Sapporo to all island and extreme point to Ootomari in Karafuto, from this to Toyohara to Russian Frontier at Alexandrovsk in Soviet Sakhalin. one tunnes why pass under Shimonoseki Straitenlazed Honshu with Kyushu. and other line cominzed from Shimonoseki or Mojito transport in Ferry for continuing at Kirun(Keelung) terminal in Taiwan for continuing at Takao and Tainan at south of island too. exist one regular railway ferries specially for enlazed during pacific war the Chinese railway system, Philippine and all Southeast Asian railways systems are integrated under japanese railway system structure during this times. The sea straits of extreme railway stations previous mentioned.

Electric energy


in 1925, japan evaluated your electric water power reserves in ones 5,000,000 H.P. of theirs ones 1,500,000 H.P. stay in active use. the other energetic source are the Electric Power, provided from water or coal/oils. the abrupted topography and intense rains in Central range zones, favoured the hydraulic energy source. in 1936 the total consumption of Hydroelectric energy if raised to circa of 20,000 millions of Kilowatts-Hours, cipher why having to compared with this 5,000 millions of Kilowatts-Hours produced for Coal. for other part, exist one grown of 50% in Hydroelectric energy in five previous years, aren't no possibly to satisfied the total demand why augment in all nation in one 250%.japan count still with hydraulic energy sources no exploided, but in your majority are scarcy tall and possess very little sites for water reserves for these installations. of one theoretical capacity of production of 10 millions of kilowatts, the middle stay in regular use. in 1936 having 12,176,098 customs but the number of ligths represent one promedia of 3,6%. The major employ of electricity correspond to three great centres surround to HidaMountains(JapaneseAlps for foreigners) Tokio and Yokohama;Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe and Nagoya.the development of these energy source are since from 1891 to I° chinese-japanese war in 1894-95.the research for government in 1923 stimed why the total power having to develop are of 6,500,000 horsepower (4.8 GW) potentially and ones 14,280,000 horsepower (10.6 GW) in regular level. the local electric empresses in functions at final of 1924, are 4,472 developed ones 2,230 MW of theirs 1,470 MW are of hydroelectrical production. during 1933 having augment these empresses inones 67,339 to developed ones 5,000 MW of theirs ones 3,110 MW are for hydroelectric production. additionally having various instalations in construction, for all theatrically debt exist immense reserved of energy to await of developed.

the rivers why arriving to Japan Sea the most important are:

  • Shinano
  • Akano (each one possess capacity to develop ones middle million of horsepower)
  • Jintsu
  • Kurobe
  • Sho
  • Mogami
  • Hime
  • Kuzuryu
  • Joganji
  • Tetori

for other hand the rivers with curse arriving to Pacific stay:

  • Kiso
  • Tenryu (both mentioned possess one capacity to develop more than 500,000 horsepower (370 MW)
  • Fuji
  • Tone
  • Oh-ni
  • Kitakami
  • Abukuma
  • Kino

these rivers stay in convenient for more adequate use to principal centres mentioned before.

some operative electric power plants are: Matsumoto, Kiso and Fuji.

Natural gas


japan still possess certain petrol sources, no possess none Natural gas source associated or not in your soil. the unique exception stay in the Industrial Gasification installations why Industrialist with Japanese Government possess but only for industrial research or other related uses too.


In 1893 naval construction was in the range 177,000 to 1,528,000 tons. In 1913 this increased to 3,565,000 tons. In 1924 with ones 237 vessels of 500 tons and others 11 of 10,000 tonnes for continuing your growing at 4,140,000 tonnes in 1928.the Japanese Navy was third in the world behind British and American Navies and dominated the West Pacific area before the war. The first modern Shipyard if founded in 1891 since this time the naval constructions are rapidly advanced. the Japanese boats of more 100 tonnes represents one tonnelage total registered of 5,007,000 tonnes of theirs 1,198,000 correspond to naval construction period of 1936-38.this putting at Nation in third place between maritime potencies, one notably realization in more short times. the old vessels are destroyed or disarmed of mode why the regular fleet are efficient and modern. without scarcie of Petrol, much of these modern vessels are pushed for these energy source.

Military industry


This sector was important from the First Chinese-Japanese war to the Pacific War.

Large industrial groups received large investment for making weapons for Japanese army and Navy in national war efforts. In military aircraft industry exist the next names of important companies how:

For Japanese Navy:

for Japanese Army:

for both armed branchs:

  • Nakajima(2052,157(army) and 3148,417(navy) examples)
  • Mitsubishi(2503,194(army) and 1287,742(navy) examples)

for Manchukuo and Japanese Army:

and other companies relationed.

In other war materiel, the name of Nambu Company are charged for making hand weapons for both armed branches, the Mitsubishi heavy Industries with your subsidiaries (Hitachi Company, Ikegai Iron works, Sagami Arsenal(factory)and others) possess the contract to manufactured the second Tank Type in use for armed forces the Medium Tank Type 97 or Chi-Ha and Shinhoto-Chi-Ha with one total of 1,049 examples making in 1938-41.

  • -the first prototypesof Type 97 Medium Tank are constructed for Tokyo Plant of Mitsubishi Heavy industries Ltd.and Osaka Arsenal.the design of engine are designed by Mitsubishi and Ikegai Iron Works Ltd.
  • -production numbers of Medium Tank type 97:
  • 1938(25 examples)
  • 1939(202 examples)
  • 1940(315 examples)
  • 1941(507 examples)
  • 1942(531 examples)
  • 1943(543 examples)
  • 1944(stopped the production)
  • -total by factories:
  • Mitsubishi:(1,224 examples)
  • Hitachi:(355 examples)
  • -other factory why

construct these tank are:

  • Sagami Arsenal
  • -of theirs ones
  • 2,123 examples of "Shinhoto-Chi-Ha"(New turret version)
  • Uhknowed cypher of "Chi-Ha"(regular model)
  • -Total production stay in ones 1,049 examples between


the shipyards of Mitsubishi and Kawasaki Heavy industries jointly with Naval arsenals making the war vessels and Submarines need for Japanese navy and exist other industrialist groups why manufactured other equipments needed for these war efforts too. appart debt at your agreements with Germany, theirs receiving much military technology and samples of weapons for develop in country or Japanese government buying any licenses to making and the prototypes for same purpose too.

Additionally Japanese before and during last times of wartimes,developed some types of inusual military combat infantry tecniques, artifacts,special weapons and certain massive destruction weapons between other various belic equipments.theirs are collective denominated "Japanese Secret and Special Weapons"

For this see also:

Japanese-German military technology collaboration


See Japanese-German pre-WWII industrial co-operation

Japanese Nuclear energy research


See:"Japanese Nuclear Energy Development"