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Hello, Mr. McCarthy! (Or the person campaigning for him.)

Welcome to Wikipedia! You should realize that this is a public domain encyclopedia dedicated to maintaining a neutral point of view. That means that advertisements for political candidates (even well-meaning ones) are frowned upon, because advertisements are hardly neutral and impartial. You should also realize that the advantage of Wikipedia is the fact that anyone can edit any article here (almost). This means that if a candidate posts an article that only says good things about him, it is entirely possible that someone else could edit that article to include information that may cast a less favorable light upon that person. Actions like this are allowed, if (again) they genuinely approach the subject from a neutral point of view.

So please feel free to contribute to the Wikipedia project. But be aware that the users here are not the type who will accept blatant prosyletizing. --Modemac 18:52, 28 Aug 2003 (UTC)