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User:Znode/About (old)

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The following information is presented "as is" without warranties expressed or implied. It is not constantly updated and should not be noted as an accurate source of information. Heck, it's mostly years old.

Obligatory Teenager Profile


17 years old. High school, graduation year 2006. Heterosexual Asian male. Zodiac Aries. Chinese zodiac Dragon. Proto-Christian. 5'4" (162 cm), 94 lbs (42.6kg). Not in a relationship.

Favourite authors: Frank Herbert, Orson Scott Card, J.R.R. Tolkien, Harvard Lampoon, Douglas Adams, Michael Crichton
Loved music genres: film soundtracks, musicals
Liked music genres: folk/traditional, spiritual/religious, contemporary R&B, contemporary jazz, classical
Tolerated music: pop, electronica, some rock, some punk, some rap
Untolerable music: heavy metal
Favourite film: The Green Mile

Interests: reading. audio compression. computers. electronics. behavioural analysis. emotion and personality analysis. mental state analysis. linguistics. thought analysis. social structure analysis.



Light conversation is very welcomed, and may even be enjoyable.

The below descriptions may sound nerdy to some, but please let not that discourage you; it was meant to be extremely condensed. Unlike some nerds, I have at least enough social graces to recognise it when I am wasting your time, causing boredom, interrupting important matters, or otherwise making a completely dork of myself, and will proceed to stop, apologise, or shut up accordingly.

If such do not occur in time though, do not hesitate to be frank and tell me to do so. I will not be at the least offended. Also, diplomacy is not required when talking with me. Do not hesitate to lead the conversation either.

That said however, only attempt closer probe of me when you are mentally and spiritually stable, or have methods of stabilisation (music, religion, other friends). Failure to do so may cause severe mental harm (for both of us).



James Wu is of the Hàn ethnicity, born in southeastern mainland China. Now living in southern California of the United States. Height of 160.5cm - 162cm (5'3.2" - 5'3.8"). Weight of 40.8kg - 46.3kg (90lbs - 102lbs). Skin colour #FFDCB1. No intensive athletic involvement, though tries to keep fit.

Is vegetarian, but by taste preference only, rather than religious/moral/ethical/health obligations. Favourite foods include winter melon & bamboo shoots soup, and any soybean and soybean products. No known severe physical handicaps/defects, but is asthmatic during allergy seasons. Can be identified by the characteristic speedwalking at approximately 1.5x speeds, though can reach up to 3.5x when in a hurry. If on a campus, also seen with a rolling backpack.

Protanomalous. -7.25/-7.00 dioptres. Astigmatic. 18000Hz/19000Hz approximate hearing threshold. Asthmatic. Right-handed. Left eye dominant.



Stepped into the relativism deathtrap in 1999, and thus progressed until the curse of nihilism in 2002. Since then, until early 2004, has been a full time philosopher and analyser of human behavior by necessity, and intensely interested in many existentialist theories and religions. Took "legacy", as from suffering, as core value. Constant fluctuation in thought and emotions. Liberal, radical at times. Extreme elitist concerning subjects of computing. Moderate perfectionist. Socially impaired, often unintentionally express hostility ("snappish", "snobbish"). Cold isolation stance to all except closest friends, to whom the treatment is actually worse -- the depression is often passed on in conversation.

Suffering from completely arbitrary drastic mood swings as of 2003. Cyclothymia suspected.

As of late 2004 to current times, have adopted intense cynical humour, and have a deep-seated resentment for psychological, philosophical, religious, and existentialistic discussions. Probably exhaustion of pondering them almost every waking moment for three years. Isolationist stance has been removed. Considered "a lot more [approachable]".

Nihilism archived and kept in remission by the new core values of "art" (that of derivative of tinkering) and "humour", as well as selection of "positive" music. Is often seen dispersing bad jokes composed of humour styles from Douglas Adams, Dave Barry, Aaron Lin, and various other metalevel confusion and cynical joke styles. Views vary wildly from liberal to right-leaning, and a skeptical proto-Christian. "An unbeliever touched by the fear of God."

Some renewed interest in analytical matters concerning language and thought processes in early 2005, though involvement is very limited.

Recent Interests


Love for programming and tinkering inherited from youth, though severely undertrained due to very short interest spans as well as the suspected cyclothymia, which causes an inability to maintain interest. Most recent (rather simple in hectic times) achievements include the making of a simple Pong game PONG4 and a rudimentary Chess board (subprograms CALPIEC3, CCLEANUP, CGRID, CHESS4, CHESSINI, CHRENDER, DRPIECE2) for the regular TI-83 in TI-BASIC.

Has a connection with a great interest in data type and data compression of all forms, including digital data, spoken data, and thought streams. Since early 2004 have adopted Anglo-saxon spellings (vapourisation) as well as archaic forms (compleat) in all writing, which annoys English and science teachers alike. Has an interest in linguistics and language construction, specifically semantics, pragmatics, and stylistics.

Is an audiophile (by interest in audio compression as opposed to extreme fanaticism to music itself). Very interested in digital lossy audio compression.

Has a deep-rooted interest in physical descriptive writing, and a fan and (writer, eventually) of Infocom-styled Interactive Fiction.

During hypomanic periods, welcomes most activities that involve extensive analysis of thought, emotion, or behaviour.